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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Maple Bacon Lattes

According to a few food trend articles I've read recently, bacon, as well as cupcakes, are out. (Apparently coconut water, pickling and anything gluten-free is in.) But bacon will always be in fashion, in my book. Meaty, savory, and smoky with just the right amount of grease. It's one of the best ingredients on earth.

So when
GP Norm tells me about Pirate Cat Radio Cafe, a place that serves maple bacon lattes, it instantly goes on my must-try list. Funnily enough, it's a vegan cafe that is also home to an indie radio station run by volunteers (who sometimes double as the baristas).

Anthony Bourdain is a fan of this latte too. It's rich, satisfying and deliciously chunky (from bacon bits that are sprinkled on top). Once you get over the hunk of rendered bacon fat that is scooped from a jar (collected from restaurants; I had to ask), the combination of sweet, savory, and the kick of caffeine is really, really nice. And probably one you don't have every day.

After a sip of my friend's bacon latte, I wanted to try another menu item and went for the coconut curry latte at the barista's suggestion. This was a different experience altogether. The frothy combination of coconut cream, soy milk and curry powder might have been better suited in a bowl of soup. Or maybe over rice. Either way, I wasn't a fan. Not to knock the barista's taste or anything (she was really, really, like super nice).

The space is tiny but intimate, with the DJ booth window facing out to the coffee bar. I met Norm and ButterSCOTTch (who apparently doesn't like his foodie name and asked for a new one; I'm working on it) here and we had a great time. If
bacon jam is breakfast in a jar, this is definitely breakfast in a cup. One that you can happily enjoy at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.



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