I hate waiting in lines, but don’t mind as much when it’s for something that’s really, really good. And it might be a coincidence, but the last few really long lines I’ve stood in have all been for sandwiches. The really, really good kind of sandwiches.
Ike’s took almost an hour (see post here), busy So. SF spot Little Lucca’s took 40 mins (forgot my camera that day), and my first thought when I saw surf-inspired Sandwich Spot’s out-the-door-line was to forget it and find another place for lunch. But my second thought was it must be good, since everyone else was doing it*. So I got in line, and 25 minutes later I was glad I did. It was delicious!
If ordering a sandwich named the Porn Star or the Horny Hapa sounds embarrassing, this might not be the place for you. I ordered the former (while blushing, just a little), a finger-licking combination of marinated chicken, teriyaki sauce, bbq sauce, Bomb sauce (more on this later) and cheese. MFM went for the meaty Johnny GoodTimes – which was stuffed with ham, prosciutto, salami and provolone. Both sandwiches were big, tasty and a deal at $7.99.
These sandwich places have all found a crowd-pleasing formula. Besides long lines, another thing they all share is dutch crunch bread – and everyone seems to love this slightly sweet, crunch-topped bread. Everyone also loves a kickin', garlicky sauce. Aforementioned Ike’s has Dirty Sauce, Little Lucca has Original Garlic Sauce and the Sandwich Spot has the appropriately-named spicy/garlicky Bomb Sauce - which was amazing since it was actually distinguishable in my sandwich which was also dripping with BBQ sauce and teriyaki.
With so many good sandwich options in the Bay Area, how does one choose? Generally speaking, I’d probably go to Little Lucca’s for a more traditional sandwich, Ike’s if I wanted to go unconventional, and to the Sandwich Spot if I wanted something somewhere in between - and also if I wanted to sit, since it’s the only one of the three that offers actual seating. It's small - just a few tables - but it's nice plus, especially if you can't wait (like me) to sink your teeth into your sandwich right away.
*I'm pretty sure this is how lemmings get into trouble.
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